About The Scubaneer

Hi there! I’m Reinier Hartog, the guy behind The Scubaneer. Whenever I get the chance, you’ll find me underwater, breathing compressed air. When I’m not, you’ll find me here, writing about Scuba diving on The Scubaneer.

The Scubaneer is a medium to share my passion for Scuba diving, the ocean, and marine life. It exists to share with you the latest, most relevant knowledge:

  • To help you begin your Scuba diving adventure with confidence. Everyone has to start somewhere! On The Scubaneer you can expect to find answers to your questions, tips, suggestions and facts about Scuba diving.
  • To improve your diving skill level, comfort and knowledge. Even experienced divers can always learn more. On The Scubaneer you will find information and advice to keep your diving up-to-date.
  • To educate on the oceans, marine life and conservation. Together, we must protect the environment that offers us amazing dive experiences. On The Scubaneer you’ll find facts, suggestions and initiatives to help protect what is dear to us all.

Connect with The Scubaneer

The Scubaneer is always under development. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach out to reinier@thescubaneer.com.

Additionally, you can connect on Instagram and Pinterest.

Written by Reinier Hartog
passionate scuba diver and nature lover.