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Can you go Scuba diving without a wetsuit?

If, like me, you became a certified diver in cold water, squeezing into a wetsuit is probably part of your routine (unless you’re lucky enough to own a dry-suit, of course!). You may have never even given it a second thought, or perhaps at some point you’ve wondered: can you go Scuba diving without a wetsuit?

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What wetsuit do you need for diving in the Caribbean?

As I’m sitting here, I see snow falling outside my window in early April, and I’m overcome by a longing to pack my bags and head for tropical waters. And even though I won’t be heading there any time soon, I couldn’t help but wonder: what wetsuit should I pack, if I were to head out there this time of year?

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The why, what and how of logging every dive (with free printable PDF)

When you started diving, you were probably eagerly logging every dive the minute you were back on dry land. But as time goes by, logging starts to feel more like an afterthought. You forget, or don’t feel like it. Why does it even matter to log? And what should you be writing anyway? In this article, we’ll look into why, what, and how you should be logging your dives, to get the most out of your dive log.

And there’s a bonus: at the end of the article is a downloadable free PDF template, so you can print your own logbook refills!

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How much do Scuba regulators weigh? (with examples)

If you’ve recently started diving, or commonly use rental equipment, you may never have even considered the weight of your regulator. While some of you may just be curious, others might be considering bringing their scuba gear on holidays and dive trips, which makes weight an important factor. So I gathered a list of scuba regulator weights to give you the definitive answer: how much does a regulator weigh?

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Why does my jaw feel sore or fatigued after diving?

One common complaint of (beginning) divers is a dull pain, soreness, or fatigue of the jaw muscles at the end of a dive. When I first started scuba diving, I’d often surface with a painful face and a throbbing headache. So I did some research: what causes this jaw pain when diving? And how can I fix it?

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